Featured Product:
KingRex UD-01
This compact DAC turns your MAC or PC into a high-end audio source. The KingRex UD-01 is the solution to the ever growing demand of Hi-Fi enthusiasts seeking to use the humble PC as a source. Noise and electronic interfernce from inside a PC can make internal audio devices inaccurate and musically deficit. The KingRex UD-01 answers this with an external solution. Providing a clear warm signature in its musical reproduction. |
“I can therefore very much assure people that John and Daniel obviously stand very much behind their products and adopt appropriate strategies to ensure that the customer is always right and satisfied * a welcome approach these days!”
– Michael
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COEM Audio has undergone many changes over the past months, changes that were necessary to survive in today’s competitive market. Things will continue to develop and evolve at COEM Audio… at the end of the day, all these changes are to reduce prices and increase quantity. To be honest, they more I can turnover the lower the prices will be =)
I am currently in the process of setting up a new Affiliate system, and will be implemented on my dealer’s websites. This system will allow you to create an affiliate account which allows you to make money by referring new customers to Stereo Sonics and ihatehifi.com
You will be able to earn upto 7.5% commission on purchases made by customers you have referred.
Effective immediately, COEM Audio will also be facilitating ‘Group Buys’. By organising group buys on forums or other means, I will be able to offer discounts with the larger quantities. More savings for everyone!